Hanne, owner FlowFabrik
MonTag, 20. April 2020
Dein Motto-Wort für 2020:
Was arbeitest du und hat sich deine Arbeitssituation durch Corona verändert?
I run FlowFabrik, a yoga & movement offer in Winterthur. Corona has forced me to teach in a new way – online. The comic thing is that I teach more classes now, than I did before corona. For me it has been an eye-opener, and although I can’t wait to teach in real life again, face-to-face with my participants, I will to some extend keep the online offer as a part of FlowFabrik after corona loosens its grip again. Online classes enable me to teach in Winterthur, Copenhagen and Amsterdam at one and the same time. And as a participant it creates bigger flexibility in your every day schedule.
Wie wohnst du? Hat sich bezüglich deiner Wohnsituation etwas verändert?
I live with my (Swiss) husband and two kids (2 and 4 y/o) in Veltheim. We live in an apartment, but luckily we have direct access to a garden and the forest is only 5 minutes away. This is what keeps all of us sane – to be able to be outside in nature.
Wie fühlst du dich? Wie gehst du mit der aktuellen Situation um?
I feel freaking lucky. We live in a part of the world where we have so much safety, support and freedom. Even in a time where our freedom has had to be limited, we are still so extremely lucky.
The key for me to stay sane is to go outside every day. Once a week after the kids are in bed I go for a looooooong walk alone, while I call and talk to a friend. A few times I have also done red wine dates with friends over Skype. That is great. Red wine, friends and then no makeup and a pyjamas. How often do you have that constellation else?
Was ist aktuell deine grösste Herausforderung?
My parents from Denmark where supposed to visit us in March. They of course had to cancel. Now my biggest challenge is to accept that I do not know when I will be able to see them or my other relatives and friends in Denmark again.
Ist bisher etwas spezielles, unerwartetes oder lustiges passiert?
I am truly amazed by the humanity and support there is happening during this time. The support and sense of lifting up is extreme (littleWinti is one of the amazing things which has been born out of this time of challenge) .
For me personally I am amazed how many people are contacting me to offer their support. Support has to do with so much more than money. But FX a woman, who I hardly know, twinted me an amount, just because she enjoys my free online videos and want to help FlowFabrik survive. Another woman twinted me 1 CHF as support. She is unemployed and she just symbolically wanted to support me. That is just mind-blowing I think!
Deine aktuell liebste Beschäftigung:
Walk and smell the blooming plants. Also I am obsessed with planting things in my garden at the moment. I have no clue if I am doing it right or wrong. But I love it. Plating seeds, seeing things grow. That is a wonder.
3 Dinge, für die du aktuell dankbar bist?
The internet so that we can stay connected and that I can teach
That nobody I know suffer from serious illness and nobody I know have gotten Corona
That Spring is reminding us, that after death, darkness and winter, the sun, bloom and new beginnings will ALWAYS always return!
Wie stellst du dir den 10.10.2020 vor?
When the lockdown started I was one week away from signing a rental contract for a new studio, where I would create a full-time movement and yoga studio offer... This has now been postponed. I am hoping that on the 10.10.2020 the studio will be reality and it will be packed with moving, happy people.
Was wirst du als Allererstes tun, wenn die vom Bund verordneten Massnahmen aufgehoben werden?
Go to Cin Cin coffee and tea on Steibi and have my favorite flat white. And go to Badi Wolfensberg to swim and BBQ with friends. Also, invite my parents to come visit ASAP.
Kann man dich unterstützen oder kennst du jemanden in Winterthur, der sich über Unterstützung freuen würde?
You can support me by supporting yourself. In other words, you can support me by joining one of my many weekly online classes (yoga, meditation, HIIT and Barre) on www.flowfabrik.ch. You can also try one of the many free videos I have uploaded to FlowFabriks YouTube channel (make sure to subscribe) and you can follow FlowFabrik and get inspiration to move more on Instagram @FlowFabrik.